Price Table

DISKUS (prices = €)
All prices for fish going to 15 cm; 15-17 cm are + 20%Tefe solid - few spotspot many spot - royal
Specially selected individual have their own prices10 - 12 cm 4872120
13 - 14 cm 6096200
Heckel 15 cmless barmedium barbig bar 15 cm 72120240
+15 cm 108144300
Nhamunda light blue8496132superselected 480
blue head120144156OTHERS (prices = €)
Mari Mari 120144Altum Scalare 12 - 14 cm30
Abacaxi108120144Corydoras Julii 3 cm4
super blue120144156
Corydoras robustus 7-9 cm36
Haraldi 15 cm
Nhamundabrownsemi royal, orangered-red semiroyalLife
brown72108168Tubifex 180 ml1.8
royal216Blackworms 90 ml1.5
White Mosquitos 180 ml1.2
Paraconi 15 cmsolidGrindal (breeding set)6
yellow - brown96120Micro worms (breeding set)6
red superselected300Discusmix red 0,5 kg3.5
White Mosquitos 0,5 kg8
Uatuma 11-14 cmcenterbarred royalArtemia 0,5 kg4.5
orange, semiroyal6072WOOD
red, royal180216watered, packedextra filigree
medium 1520
Members of the Discusvriend association get a 15 % discountlarge 2035
on everythingX large300